Admitting wrong is strength, not weakness

Acts 7 26 Insta postAdmitting you are wrong is not an easy task for many of us. It is a necessary one though if we are to keep the respect of those we care about. We cannot avoid making mistakes, but we can avoid making the situation worse by ignoring the wrong we have done.

Our character comes through in how we react in those situations…do we get angry and justify being wrong? Do we bow up and refuse to admit we might have created a misunderstanding or accused or assumed something we should not have? Do we sulk or pout? Do we offer half apologies…” I’m sorry IF what I did offended you?”

Do you just not say anything because you’ve tuned out that voice that tells you you are wrong? Your conscious isn’t likely to stop speaking to you, but you may get really good at ignoring it.

Let Us Pray…

I for one am definitely tired. Tired of all the pain and suffering in this world. Tired of those who are inflicting it on innocent people in the name of religion and especially in the name of God, tired of those who maybe are not so innocent being killed as well, because no one deserves to have their life just taken from them. I am tired of each side blaming the other. I am tired of there being sides!

Love One Another

Simplistic and kumbaya as it may sound, I really just want everyone to love each other and respect each other and look out for each other. It seems like it is too much to ask, it seems like we are simply bent on destroying each other.

The Bible tells us that many will hate us (those who are Christ followers) because of Him…but that does not mean we have to hate them back.

Righteous Anger

Am I angry at those committing these terrible acts? Heck yes, I am angry!

Yet I am also angry at the husband who verbally or physically abuses his wife and children. I am angry at the alcoholic who gets behind the wheel and ends a life. I am angry at the mother who is annoyed by her precious child who just wants a few moments of mommy time. I am angry at the kids who thought it would be funny to torture innocent puppies.

There is much in this world to get angry about. Instead of just being angry and posting about who has caused this or that, and why America is headed to hell in a hand basket, why don’t we all stop…and pray?

God can and will heal

For those who do not know the reference below: “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land2 Chronicles 7:14.

One thing we should remember too I feel is that the Lord’s healing of something does not always look the way we humans think it should. Often it is in the trials and tribulations that healing takes place…yet we want the healing without the hurt. Christ wanted that too when he faced the terror of the cross, yet he prayed “Thy will be done“.

Those four words are hard to get out when you feel you cannot bear the pain of the current struggles any longer…just remember that three days in a dark and dank tomb made the difference between death and life ever after…for Christ and anyone who would believe.

We can all do better

So, get angry, but do not stay there…be vocal, but do not let it be in vain. Let us love the unlovable, pray for the perpetrators, lift up the lonely and help (with hands and feet action) the hurting. If we all will do a little, we can accomplish a lot.

Thankfulness in a season of drought

When we think of being thankful, I feel most of us gravitate to those things that make us happy, bring us joy or give us peace.  It’s only natural to do so.
But what about when life is coming at you hard and fast and you feel like you cannot catch a break?  What about when you are tired and worn from fighting the good fight?  What about when you have lost everything you thought mattered in this world?
Are you still thankful?
Praising Jesus when everything is rosy is easy.  Praising Him when the storm is raging.  Well, that’s not something we are naturally wired to do.
To praise Him when everything looks bleak, is to find that deep joy and contentment He promises to us…the peace that passes all our understanding.
Doing that means you have to be close to Him…in His word on a regular basis to know His promises and to claim them as your own.  Praying regularly, so you hear His voice and know it.  
Fully resting on faith in Him.
Thankfulness in a season of drought makes the harvest time even richer!

12 Ways to Serve your Community and Give Back All Year

I love this time of year!  Cooler weather (well, for everyone but us here in Florida!), beautiful leaves (again, for everyone except Florida), and Hallmark Christmas movie time!!
The holiday season that begins with Thanksgiving is one of the joys of the year for me.  I truly love all the baking, cooking and serving food to those I love.  I enjoy the smells of the holidays, the cinnamon, cloves, oranges, and allspice.  The eventual Christmas tree smells that come with a beautiful, big live tree in the house.
And the opportunity to serve others through giving of food to local food banks, delivering toys for needy children, packing a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child or donating in the little red buckets for Salvation Army.
I love all of it.  And it starts next Thursday!!
Thanksgiving. One day a year where we all stuff ourselves as full as the turkey that was baked, watch football, and take naps.
Wait, what?  That is not really what it is all about is it? 
I know I briefly gave lip service to the opportunities available this time of year to serve.  BUT…shouldn’t we be looking for those opportunities all year long?
Jesus came to serve…his model was to teach us how to serve others.
How well are we modeling that back to the community around us?  Do they see Jesus when they see us?
Or do they see a bunch of church-goers, who talk the faith on Sunday, but don’t walk it the rest of the week?
If Jesus served…how much more so should we continuously look for ways to do the same.
Start a tradition this Thanksgiving.  When you ask for things your family is thankful for…ask for ways you all can serve your community better.
Create a list of practical ideas…one for each month of the year.  This makes it doable and not overwhelming.  They don’t have to be big things either.  Here are some ideas to get you started:
12 Ways to Serve your Community and Give Back All Year
  1. Pick up trash in a neighborhood park.
  2. Spend an hour putting shopping carts away at a busy shopping center.
  3. Pay for someone’s breakfast/lunch in the drive thru.
  4. Walk dogs at a local shelter.
  5. Serve food at a local food bank.
  6. Have your kids make “Have a happy day” cards for a local nursing home and deliver them.
  7. Offer to wash the neighbor’s cars.
  8. Babysit for a busy couple who rarely gets a date night.
  9. Make holiday cards to send to our troops overseas.
  10. Gather books and unused school supplies to donate to a library or local school.
  11. Have an elderly neighbor or otherwise home-bound neighbor (think new moms or someone dealing with prolonged illness)…volunteer to run errands for them or mow their lawn.
  12. Skip the daily lattes for a month and donate that money to a charity of the families’ choice.

Being the hands and feet of Jesus is a richly rewarding experience.  As the saying goes “Be blessed to be a blessing!”


Jesus Before I Go – a FREE online Bible Study from Sarah Koontz

I have been privileged to review Sarah Koontz’s latest FREE Bible Study, Jesus Before I Go, and I can tell you it has been very rich and rewarding.  This is not my first study I have worked through with Sarah…she is a precious woman of God who yearns to provide materials that will draw women closer to their Father.
And she does this through her understanding of the word, research of the scriptures and practical application tips in her studies.  Sarah beaks scripture down to its root components, making it easy to digest for those not familiar with the passages and yet making it feel like a deep dive into truth for those more well-versed.
If you are looking to grow your walk…or if you are even considering whether you should begin a walk with Jesus…this study is for you!  All you need to complete this free online Bible study is 15-minutes per day and an e-mail address.  Well, you need an open heart and an open mind too!
In Jesus’ final teaching and prayer in John 14-17 we see the heart of both our teacher Jesus, the human, and our redeemer, Jesus the Savior.
·        Understand Who Jesus Christ Is
·        Receive the Free Gift of Salvation
·        Invite others to Accept Jesus’ Invitation
·        Study and Apply God’s Word to Your Life
·        Pray With Absolute Confidence

The structure and the convenience (online!) of this study lends itself well to both individual reflection and small groups.  The knowledge and nourishment you will glean from this study will help you elevate your faith journey.

The one thing I really enjoyed about the study was the focus on a short section of scripture.  It gave me the ability to really concentrate on each of the words and the concepts.  Applying the teachings of Jesus’ in His final days gave me such a greater understanding of what my faith is rooted in.  Here are a few of my takeaways:
·        Pursue your relationship with God as earnestly as you pursue relationship with your most loved humans…
·        Don’t just read through scripture to get your devotional done…spend TIME being still in His presence meditating on one aspect of His goodness at a time.
·        Overcoming the world’s trials means knowing the Word intimately.
·        Loving God’s way is hard…but it is worth it.
Before I Go: Structure
Before I Go is a free three-week Bible Study by Sarah Koontz through her site Living By Design Ministries .
Throughout the study, you will receive daily e-mails including a brief Scripture reading and devotional along with shareable quote graphics. For this study, Sarah has also included an audio version of the daily devotionals in each Before I Go e-mail—making it easier than ever to learn on the go! 
The daily emails only take about 10-15 minutes to complete the study but I found myself often rereading the Bible passages after reading through Sarah’s information to allow the insights to seep in and take root. 
As you go through this three-week study, you will notice every day is titled with an action verb. They are actions you can do right now! And every single one of them is a reaction to what Jesus Christ has done for you.
When we get to know who Jesus Christ really is—understand why He came to earth and humbled himself to the point of death upon the cross—we are completely transformed.  I hope you will join us!
Before I Go: About the Author
Sarah Koontz invites Christians of all ages to explore the beauty of God’s design through her writing at She is a passionate storyteller who enjoys using illustrations to communicate deep spiritual truths. Before I Go is Sarah’s fifth free online Bible study, and she hopes to write many more in the years to come. 

Do you know how to Fight Right?

In a marriage you need to know how to fight well!  Not throwing punches and knocking someone out…but fighting for one another…fighting for common ground and goals.  Fighting to be a Kingdom Couple as Dr. Tony Evans says.

So what does that look like?  Well, first of all, you each have to be operating in your proper roles.  Submitting in proper alignment with God’s headship will allow you to move purposefully together to fulfill God’s plan through the two of you.  If your roles are out of order, then your house will be in chaos!

Think about it…every time Israel experienced trials and troubles in the Bible it was because they were out of alignment! They chose their way over God’s way…they chose to go after worldly pursuits, things that were easier in their minds than keeping the commandments of God.

By no means an exhaustive list, however, here are a few verses of reference for Israel’s disobedience: Jeremiah 2:1-9; Ezekiel 20:1-13; 2 Kings 17:16
When Israel got out of order God’s blessings stopped.  He burned in anger against them.  He was disappointed in them.  He could not move on their behalf as they were no longer operating according to His will.
Yet every single time they unified and pursued God as He had been pursuing them…their circumstances did a 360. Their world turned back around.
Verses where Israel turned back to God:  1 Kings 18:37; 2 Chronicles 30:9; 2 Chronicles 15:12

If God can be patient with us wayward, broken, bull-headed children…shouldn’t we be patient too with one another?  With this in mind let’s consider these tips on fighting well in our marriages:  

1)     Lay down your pride…give up being right and instead do what is right.
2)     Listen more than you speak.  Listen with intent on understanding NOT on responding.
3)     Seek to use words that are encouraging and affirming…build up, don’t tear down.
4)     Hit pause.  Sometimes you have to come back to a situation; you cannot settle it in one sitting.  So don’t force it!
5)     PRAY!  Seek God’s wisdom as you work to settle the argument.
In every interaction with your spouse, especially when there is a conflict, think about how to apply Biblical principles in seeking restoration.  Don’t look at how the world would approach the situation!  Worldly wisdom will lead to further discord every single time. 
The world says you have to prove your point…that you have a “right” to be angry…that you are an “independent woman” and you “don’t need no man telling you what to do”.  These are all dangerous vantage points to argue from!
Marriage is a sacred, binding covenant with our God.  He holds it in high regard and so should we!  

Our vows were serious to us the day we married, they should be even more serious to us as the years go by.
The goal is to get back on the same page…to walk in unity together.  Oneness of purpose.  When you seek to come back together as one, you won’t allow others to speak negativity into your situation.  

You will keep your eyes focused on the one who is over it all.  That is how you overcome adversity in anything…especially in marriage!

Listed below are some helpful resources.  I do not earn any money from these sources, just wanted to provide you with a starting point if you are seeking help for your marriage in any way.

Kingdom Marriage by Dr. Tony Evans
Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas
Fierce Marriage by Ryan & Selena Frederick

Fierce Marriage Book Review

I was first introduced to Ryan and Selena Frederick via their website last year.  I was going through a very difficult season personally, professionally and especially physically and it was all taking a toll on my marriage.  I was looking for help and advice anywhere I could find it and lo and behold there they were in my Google search!

I read a little about their story online and then began to devour (yes, gobble up every soundbite and word I could find!) every video and blog post they had shared.  And it was so good!

When the opportunity came to join the Fierce Wives Facebook group I was glad to be part of a larger community of women speaking life into one another, sharing their struggles and their praise stories.  It feels good when you know you are not alone.  That others have the same struggles.  That you are normal.

(If you are a wife looking for community, check it out here)

Then came time for their book launch to begin and I was accepted to be on the launch team which has been so exciting!

To be transparent I did receive this book free as a member of the book launch team.  That being said, I would buy more of them to give to any friend about to get married, going through a difficult time in marriage, etc., as it is an excellent resource and tool for strengthening your relationship!  

The honesty and rawness of their relationship is on display in this book with the wisdom of scripture to back up their teaching on how living out your marriage the way God intended yields beautiful results!  

I appreciate the work Ryan and Selena put into this book…it is not just a religious work, nor is it just a self-help book…it is the best of both.  Offering practical tips, sound Biblical wisdom and real world situations that we can all relate to makes this one of the best books on marriage I have come across.  In the season my life has been in the last year to eighteen months, I have read several books, articles and visited counselors regarding marriage help for crisis situation.  This book spoke truth into so many areas and helped me see why I had stumbled for so long trying to do things my way.  

Get this book, read it, then read it again with a highlighter in hand.  Then read it again with your spouse.  Each time you will glean new truths.  Then buy some for your friends.  They will thank you for it!

Guest blog post on Rock Solid Faith – Marriage and the "S" word

I’m excited to share with you my guest post I did for my girl Shanique over at Rock Solid Faith. 

This last year has been a journey for me in learning about what it really means to be a Christian woman and wife.  I don’t always get it right, who does?  Yet, I feel better equipped now after studying scripture on the topic to live my life in a more God-honoring way.  And to be the best wife I can for my husbandClick here to read the whole post!

What is your head telling your heart?

This year has been a series of ups and downs for me.  If you have followed along with my story you know from my writing that it has been a difficult year.  To be perfectly honest I am ready for this year to be over…yet I fear it dragging it’s heartaches and drama into 2018 with me and that I do NOT want.

This season has found me only making a handful of posts this year as it has been hard to just get through my days.  Hard to breathe.  Hard to put one foot in front of the other.  Hard to think.

Which brings me to today’s post…what is it that I am allowing myself to think on?  God’s word tells us in Philippians 4:8 that we need to think on the following:

Unfortunately, this world we have live in is often far from true, noble, honest, just, or pure.  While it is sometimes lovely, it could be said it is rarely commendable…we hardly ever hear about excellent things and thinking about what is worthy of praise becomes a difficult task indeed!  Even more so when you are walking through a valley…it is hard to see the light through the shadows of darkness that seem to envelope you.

What I have found this year though is that it is absolutely necessary to realign my thinking if I am to realign my life.  When I allow myself to remain in the negative thought process than life truly becomes overwhelming.  It is a bit of an Eeyore mentality…take a look here if you are not sure what I mean…Life as an Eeyore

Can you relate?  I’ll be honest…I can!  I have felt that “Woe is me” feeling.  Even when I know others have it far worse than me…even when I know in my heart God is in control…in my humanity, I am still prone to throw a pity party.  To get down in the dumps.  Call it what you will…the root of it many times is a wrong thought process.

 Whatever you allow in your thoughts is what you will feel in your heart, your soul.  When I got this into my way of thinking then I was better able to implement the beauty of Philippians 4:8 and find positive things to dwell on instead of the dark negativity I had let reside too long.  Mind you my circumstances have not necessarily changed.  I am still walking through a season that I wish I could shake off.  Yet, I am working each day to think on things that are praiseworthy…that call to mind God’s goodness, greatness, and grace.

Exchanging the negative for the positive is changing me from the inside out.  It is putting joy and hope in my heart even on days when I have every reason to curl up in the corner and cry.  It is reminding me that because He overcame, I will too.  It is allowing me to rest in His strength instead of trying to rely on my feeble efforts.

Some days I still find it hard to breathe.  I have a hard time making it from dawn to dusk.  But now I have thoughts I can pull from that raise me up, instead of dragging me down further.  Thoughts that remind me there is always something better to dwell on than my circumstances and situation.  Always something to be thankful for.  There will be beauty from ashes…don’t be an Eeyore…find some happy thoughts to root out that negativity!

Returning to my first love

I am continuing this year in a season that I never would have thought I would find myself in.  It has been and still is one of great struggle, pain, identity lost and found.  Through it all what has kept me afloat is His word.  I just keep digging into the spiritual food I have been languishing for – years of undernourishment led me to a place where I had nowhere to go but up.

Going through the motions

Yes, I read my Bible on occasion.  Went to church at Easter and Christmas.  Listened to Christian radio.  Read Christian books.

Feasting on the Word

They did not feed me like I needed to be fed though.  It wasn’t the “daily bread” that would fill my soul.  They were just small morsels, not the full feast. 

God has prepared for us a feast!  Did you know that?  Yet many of us never eat from the table…we only get the leftovers and scraps that fall on the floor. 

We are not pursuing our rightful place as His heirs.

If I could choose to be done with this season I am in I would have ended it months ago.  Yet it is not my will but His.  He has me on this journey for a purpose and a reason.  I may not enjoy parts of it and I may question and even rail against it (yes, screaming, crying fits are okay…He can handle it), however, I am learning there is meaning in it.  I am growing in it. 

He is making me a daughter…a child of the King in new ways.

Matthew West “Child of the One True

Growing in Grace & Love

I am learning, really learning and taking it to heart for the first time, that I am not defined by my past mistakes, fears and failures.  They do NOT hold me captive.  HE has the FINAL word!  I am so very glad!

In what I call a God-cidence, another daughter of the King, reminded me today that I am important and well loved just as I am.  She reminded me that this season is one to grow in and return to my first love.  It was as if she knew what I had been reading in my devotion time…it was confirmation that I was moving in the right direction – closer to Him!

Through purposeful Bible study you will learn more about your worth in Christ…your strength in Him…your calling. 

Set aside intentional time to worship at His feet as Mary did. 

Renewing your first love with Jesus brings joy and peace for every season.  Here are some starting points for you to dig into the rich truths of God’s word and see just how valued you are:

CHOSEN - 1 Thessalonians 1_4